Sam Fait Rouler
#1 Handi Road Trip
2 stages: 2017-2018
16 countries, 3 continents, 2 years of preparation
Samuel Marie is tetraplegic.
When he was 20, he worked as a rope access technician. Then came the fall: 6 meters (20 feet) and a few seconds later, his life took a turn for the worst. He falled but never failed, fighting for carry on living as every young man of his age.
Always up for a challenge, Samuel drives the first Handi Road Trip “Sam Fait Rouler” to make our world more accessible. To break down barriers, overcome obstacles and awaken consciences.

A tailor-made concept-van to run the challenge
Samuel drives by himself staying on his wheelchair and lives inside his van during all the road-trip.
He went through a rigorous physical preparation and is assisted by a nurse who checks on him daily. He keeps leading the journey.